Markdown in Twig and Twig in Markdown

Craft includes a Twig filter to allow content to be parsed into GitHub flavor markdown (it’s the md filter, with 'gfm' passed into it). To make this easy to remember, Guide includes the Markdown component in the Guide Editor. Any content written within the {% filter md('gfm') %}{% endfilter %} blocks are rendered as Markdown.

When using the Markdown component, please note that white space does make a difference and that there should be no tabs or spaces before any markdown content.

For example, you should do this:

{% filter md('gfm') %}

## Markdown Content

This is my content in Markdown now

{% endfilter %}

Even if it looks more readable to do this:

  {% filter md('gfm') %}
   ## Markdown Content
   This is my content in Markdown now
  {% endfilter %}

On great thing about using Markdown filters within Twig is that Twig tags can still get rendered. For example, if you would like to place a "Button" component inside of a block of markdown, this would be valid:

{% set docsUrl = '' %}
{% filter md('gfm') %}

The Craft CMS docs can be found here:

{{'button', { label: 'Go to the Docs', url: docsUrl }) }}

{% endfilter %}

The newline rules of Markdown apply in Markdown blocks. In the example above, the rendered button would appear within a <p> tag.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Sat, Jan 22, 2022